Special Selection

Range of products that meets your dietary and WELL-BEING needs


Choose your desire product

Baby Health Mix

Nutritious baby health mix promoting healthy growt...

Multigrain Atta (Soft)

Milled To Order - Customizable Multigrain Atta

120 / KG

Multigrain Atta (Medium)

Milled To Order - Customizable Multigrain Atta (Me...

145 / KG

Multigrain Atta (Hard)

Milled To Order Customizable Multigrain Atta (Hard...

175 / KG

Red Chilli Powder (Mix & Make)

(Milled To Order Customizable Powder)

900 / KG

Almond Added Atta

(Milled To Order Customizable Atta)

720 / KG

Jackfruit Added Atta

Milled To Order Customizable Atta

265 / KG

Gluten Free Atta (Zero Wheat)

(Milled To Order Customizable Atta)

346 / KG